Word Meaning of I was my Own Route
Word Meaning of I was my Own Route I was my Own Route by Julia de Burgos Word Meanings urges - v. to recommened something strongly. detach - to remove something from something larger/to become seperated from something. predating - v. something to be /formed/ to happen at an aerlier date than something else in the past. progressive - adj. in favour of new ideas, modern methods and change. precursor - n. a person/thing that comes before somebody/something similar and that leads to/influeneces its development. contemporary - adj. belonging to the same time. Latina - n. a woman/girl especially one who is living in the US, who comes from Latin America, or whose family come from there. patriarchal - adj. ruled/controlled by men; giving importance only to men. ideologies - n. a set of beliefs especially o...