
Word Meaning of I was my Own Route

Word Meaning of I was my Own Route I was my Own Route by Julia de Burgos Word Meanings urges - v. to recommened something strongly. detach - to remove something from something larger/to become seperated from something. predating - v. something to be /formed/ to happen at an aerlier date than something else in the past. progressive - adj. in favour of new ideas, modern methods and change. precursor - n. a person/thing that comes before somebody/something similar and that leads to/influeneces its development. contemporary - adj. belonging to the same time. Latina - n. a woman/girl especially one who is living in the US, who comes from Latin America, or whose family come from there. patriarchal - adj. ruled/controlled by men; giving importance only to men. ideologies - n. a set of beliefs especially o...

My Old Home by Lu Xun Understanding the text

My Old Home by Lu Xun Understanding the text My Old Home - Lu Xun Understanding the text Answer the following questions. How does the narrator decribe his feeling at the arrival of his old home? &#8594 The narrator has many exciting and happy feelings regarding his old home before his arrival but his exciting feelings convert into depressing ones as he sees surrounding environment have no progress during the last 20 years. He expressed his depressed feelings at first to see on unprogressive, desolate and scattered village under the clouds which seems lifeless to him. Also, he describes his positive feelings regarding the past beauty of his old home which he used to recall time and again in his life. Finally, he adds that his attitude has changed after a long time and he has come with an unhappy mood. What were the three kinds of servants in China then? What does it indicate about contemporar...

The Treasure in the Forest Presentation Grade XII


Unit-4 Technology Hyperloop Questions & Answers

UNIT - 4 Technology Hyperloop Comprehension What is a hyperloop? How does it work? Hyperloop is a planned train that would be capable of travelling at incredible speeds. It's superfast because it's enclosed in a tube with no air, there will be no friction to slow the trai down. How is hyperloop more beneficial than the traditional trains? Hyperloop is much more beneficial and superior than any traditional or a high-speed. It's less expensive and uses less energy since the track doesn't have to provide electricity to the pods constantly and because the pods may depart every 30 seconds. It's more like a demansbased service. Does hyperloop have a successful history? How? Yes, it does have a successful history since the original concept for Hyperloop was to use Wagon in Victorian South London in 1864. Pnewmatic system has been used...

Unit-3 Sports Euro 2020 Questions & Answers

Unit-3 Sports Euro 2020 Answer the following questions a) Why does the reporter say that England is waiting to heal its half-century long pain? - The last time England had ever won a Euro World Cup match was in 1966. Here, pain means the painful feeling caused because of losing many matches. That’s why the reporter says that England is waiting to heal its half-century long pain. b) How did the Italian Players react as soon as they became the champions? -The Italian Players started to tease to the team of England. Italy defender Leonardo Bonucci shouted into a TV camera amid the celebrations, mocking the famous lyric “it’s coming home” from the England team’s anthem “it’s coming to Rome”, which was the capital of Italy. It was actually a mock of the anthem of the England football team which meant football coming home. c) Why did Saka and Sancho cry? ...


UNIT-4 TECHNOLOGY HYPERLOOP Vocabularies ultra - adj. extremely; beyond a particular limit cargo - n. the goods carried in a ship/plane freight - n. goods that are transported by ships, planes, trains or lorries or trucks pod - n. a long narrow container that is hung under an aircraft and used to carry fuel, equipment; part of a spacecraft or a boat that can be seprated from the main part. giant - adj. ver big explored - v. to examine something completely or carefully in order to find out more about it. shoots - move quickly or suddenly in one direction friction - the action of one object or surface moving another levitation - n. to rise and float in the air with no physical support, especially by means of magic or by using special powers; to make something rise in this way. gridlocked - n. a situation in which there are so many cars in the streets of a town that th...

Vocabularies of Unit-3 Sports Euro 2020

                                                                                                 Unit - 3                                                                                                Euro 2020 Penalty shoot-out- n. (in football) a way of deciding the winner when both teams have the same score at the end of a game. Each team is given a number of chances to kick the ball into the goal and the team that scor...