
Showing posts with the label Two Little Soldiers

Grade 11 Two Little Soldiers Question Answer

Grade 11 Two Little Soldiers Guy de Maupassant Understanding the Text Answer these questions. Why do the two soldiers spend their free time on Sundays away from the barracks out in the countryside? - The two soldiers spend their free time on Sundays away from the barracks out in the countryside because they find the spot very fascinating and it also reminds them of their home. Hence, they do not feel happy anywhere else except this spot, where they arrive on their weekend. They just love to walk around together through the forest and farms, crossing the roads and stopping for a while on the bridge and looking at the water. These scenes provide them pleasure and they feel quite relaxed. Why does the girl become the topic of conversation for these soldiers? - The girl becomes the topic of conversation for these soldiers because both soldiers equally love her. Although they feel...

Grade 11 Two Little Soldiers

Grade 11 Two Little Soldiers Guy de Maupassant Vocabularies efficient - being effect without wasting time/effoert or expenses. denouement - n. the ourcome of a comples sequence of events / the final resolution of the main complications of a literary or dramatic work. compatibility - n. a feeling of sympathetic understanding / fellow feeling sympathy barracks - n. a building or group of buildings used to house military personnels. courbevoie - n. curveway strides - n. a step in walking or running / the distance covered by a long step scarce - deficient in quantity or number compared with the demand ill - fitting capes ample - more than enough in size or scope or capacity ankle - n. the part or joint connecting the foot with the leg. colombes - n. dove Chatou - n. an impressive country house in France ...