
Showing posts with the label Refund

Refund Grade XI (One Act Play) by Fritz Karinthy

Grade XI Refund - Fritz Karinthy Vocabularies excelled - v. to be very good at doing something parody - n. (disapproving) something that is such a bad or unfair example of something that it seems ridiculous disquited - adj. anxious or worried incredulously - adv. not willing or not able to belive in something unprecedented - adj. that has never happened, been done or been known before eccentricities - n. behaviour that people think is strange or unusual or an unusual act or habit exaggerated - adj. made to seem larger, better, worse or more important than it reall is or needs to be unparalleled - adj. used to emphasize that something is bigger, better or worse than anything else like it chuckling - to laugh quietly pedagogical - n. the study of teaching methods / adj. (formal) concerning teaching methods before hand - adv. ear...