Refund Grade XI (One Act Play) by Fritz Karinthy

Grade XI


- Fritz Karinthy


  • excelled - v. to be very good at doing something

  • parody - n. (disapproving) something that is such a bad or unfair example of something that it seems ridiculous

  • disquited - adj. anxious or worried

  • incredulously - adv. not willing or not able to belive in something

  • unprecedented - adj. that has never happened, been done or been known before

  • eccentricities - n. behaviour that people think is strange or unusual or an unusual act or habit

  • exaggerated - adj. made to seem larger, better, worse or more important than it reall is or needs to be

  • unparalleled - adj. used to emphasize that something is bigger, better or worse than anything else like it

  • chuckling - to laugh quietly

  • pedagogical - n. the study of teaching methods / adj. (formal) concerning teaching methods

  • before hand - adv. earlier, before something else happens or is done

  • insolently - adv. extremely rude and following a lack of respect

  • truculent - adj. (written, disapproving) tending to argue or be bad-tempered, slightly aggressive

  • sly - adj. disapproving acting or done in a secret or dishonest way, often intending to trick people, syn. cunning

  • checkmate - n. a situation in which somebody has been completely defeated

  • loafers - n. a person who wastes their time rather than working

  • grins - v. to smile widely

  • appertains - v. to belong or refer to somebody or something

  • despence - v. to provide something, especially a service for people

  • preserverance - n. (approving) the quality of continuing to try to achieve a particular aim in spite of difficulties

  • numskull - n. a stupid person

  • disconcerted - v. to make somebody feel anxious, confused or embarassed

  • triumphantly - adv. very successful in a way that causes great satisfaction / showing great satisfaction or joy about a victory or success

  • tiptoe - v. to work using the front parts of your foot only so that other people cannot hear you

Understanding the Text

Answer the following questions:

  1. Why does Wasserkopf demand a refund of his tution fees from the school?
  2. - Wasserkopf demands a refund of his tution fees from the school because he is unemployed and penniless as well. He as failed numerous times in his attempts to find a suitable job he thinks that he couldn't learn anything worthy from his school and therefore he is good for nothing fellow. Now, he has been completely broke (hopeless) without having any job and money. This kind of situation makes him to ask for refund from the school.

  3. Why does Wasserkopf consider himself good for nothing?
  4. - Wasserkopf considers himself good for nothing because he has been failure to find a better job for himself. Even if he gets a job, he is not able to continue it for the longer time. He is completely bankrupt . His several failure attempts makes him think that he is good for nothing.

  5. What did the teachers decide to do when Wasserkopf asked for a refund?
  6. - The teachers decided to take re-examination and pass him in all subjects even if his answers were incorrect. They decided to cooperate the principal sir and save the reputation of their school. They assisted each other during the re-examination they agreed to prove Wasserkopf's answers to their questions were absolutely correct.

  7. Why did Wasserkopf give ridiculous answers? Why did the teachers accept these answers?
  8. - Wasserkopf gave ridiculous answers purposely to be failed in re-examination and be eligible for refund. He was very aware that when his answers will be wrong, he would be able to get his money back.

    The teachers accepted these answers because they thought if they would fail him, the next day two former pupil will come to school asking for refund and another day there would be dozen. Therefore, they had been determined to pass him at any cost.

  9. How does the mathematics master describe Wasserkopf's character?
  10. - The mathematics master describes Wasserkopf's character as a sly and crafty individual who intends to deliberately fail his exam in order to receive his tution fees.

  11. How did the teachers outwit Wasserkopf?
  12. - The teachers outwitted Wasserkopf by using their minds or brains properly. During the re-examination they tolerated enough the nonsense talk of Wasserkopf. Not only this, Wasserkopf tried to make them irritated so many times but they did not lose their patience and intelligence to outwit him.

  13. What is the final judgement of Wasserkopf's demand of Refund?
  14. - The final judgement on Wasserkopf's refund has been rejected. The outcome is favourable to all teachers. The school's principal declares that Wasserkopf has scored excellent result in all subjects and they all have congratulated him on his graduation.


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