Grade - XII (A Respectable Woman) by Kate Chopin Vocabularies


  1. anthologized - v. somebody/something to include a writer/piece of writing in anthology.
  2. anthology - n. a collection of poems, stories etc. that have written by different people and published together in a book.
  3. connotations - n. an idea suggested by a word in addition to its main meaning.
  4. refrained - controlled / banned
  5. exposition - n. a full explanation of a theory, plan etc. or, an event at which people, businessman show and sell their goods
  6. climax - n. the most exciting / important event/ point in time.
  7. provoked - n. a formal statement of an opinion agreed on by a committee or a council.
  8. resoulution - n. act of solving / setting a problem.
    or, a firm decision to do/not to do something.
  9. dissipation - n. formal - the process of disappearing or, of making something disappear.
  10. cynical - adj. selfish
  11. promising - adj. showing signs of being good / successful
  12. appeal - n. formal request to a court / to somebody in authority for a judgement.
    or a decision to be changed
  13. approval - n. the feeling that somebody / something is good / acceptable.
  14. esteem - n. a great respect or admiration; a good opinion of somebody.
  15. receptive - adj. willing to listen / to accept new ideas / suggestions.
  16. chatty - adj. talking a lot in a friendly way.
  17. courteous - adj. polite especially in a way that shows respect.
  18. portico - n. a roof that is supported by columns especially one that forms entrance to a large building
  19. exacting woman - adj. demanding a lot of care & effort about details.
  20. Corinthian - adj. (architecture) used to describe a style of architecture in ancient Greece.
  21. inoffensive - adj. not likely to offend / upset anyone
  22. piqued - adj. irritated
  23. imposed - v. to force somebody / something to have to deal with something that is difficult or unpleasant
  24. idle strolls - v. to walk somewhere in a slow / relaxed way.
  25. persistently - adv. continuing for a long period of time without interruption or, repeated frequently.
  26. sought - v. past tense of seek.
  27. pentrate - v. to go into/ through something.
  28. frightfully - adv. very, extremely.
  29. cravat - n. a short , wide strip of fabric worn by men round the neck inside an open necked shirt.
  30. commotion - n. sudden noisy confusion / excitement
  31. resented - v. to feel bitter / angry about something, especially because you feel it is unfair.
  32. run down - v. to lose power / stop working / to gradually stop functioning or, become smaller in size / number.
  33. retorted - v. to make use of something, especially something bad as a means of achieving something often because there is other possible solution.
  34. unconciliated - adj. uncompromised, not agreeing.
  35. distinct - adj. easily / clearly heard, seen, felt etc.
  36. crunching - v. (on something) to crush something noisily between your teeth when you are eating .
  37. discern - v. to know, recognize or understand something, especially something that is not obvious
  38. commonplace - adj. done very often, existing in many places & therefore not unusual / n. an event etc. that happens very often & not unusual
  39. baneful - adj. evil / causing evil.
  40. diffident - adj. (about something) not having much confidence in yourself. not wanting to talk about yourself.
  41. whiff - n. (something) a smell, especially one that you only smell for a short time; a whiff of cigar smoke.
  42. drawl - v. (of something) to speak/say something slowly with vowel sounds that are longer than usual.
  43. grasped - v. somebody / something to take a firm hold of somebody / something.
    or, to try to take hold of something in your hand.
  44. impulse - n. (to do something) a sudden strong wish/need to do something, without stopping to think about the results.
  45. folly - n. a lack of good judgement; the fact of doing something stupid; an activity / idea that sows a lack of judgement.
  46. yield - v. something to produce / prove something for examples, a profit, result / crop etc.
  47. strenous - adj. needing great effort and energy

The End !


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