
Showing posts with the label Corona Says

Unit-2 Poems Corona Says Understanding the Text

Unit-2 Poems Corona Says - Vishnu S. Rai Answer the following questions. Who is the speaker in the poem? - Corona is the speaker in the poem. Corona is talking to all humans. Who claim that they are superior to all? - Humans claim that they are superior to all. They do not only claim but also act as if this earth is made only for us not for other living creatures. Why has the speaker come to the Earth? - The speaker has come to the Earth to make humans aware that they have been detroying mother nature like trees, plants, birds and animals. The speaker wants humans to stop all the destructive activitis and make them realize that it's their responsibility to conserve the greeneries as well as living-being like animals and birds. In addition, the speaker wants to show humans that the level of pollution has been risen only due to commercial activities...

Unit-2 Poems Corona Says by Vishnu S. Raj (Questions and Answers)

Unit-2 Poems Corona Says - Vishnu S. Raj Answer the following questions: What is pandemic? Describe a pandemic that you have heard about in the history. - An outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area (such as multiple countries or continents) and typically affects a significant proportion of the population is a pandemic outbreak of a disease. Pandemics only occur every 100 years. Although, it's difficult to predict about the occurence of it. It may come anywhere, in any country aroud the world. Is Corona Virus a pandemic? How? - Obviously, Corona Virus is a pandemic because it started from China, a country in South East Asia and gradually it spread out in most of the countries around the world. There are hardly a few countries, where people do not have to suffer from Corona Virus disease. Due to the globalizaion and the rapid movement of people now...