Grade XI Unit -1 Lesson - 4 "The Wish" Vocabularies, Metaphors and Understanding the Text
Grade XI Unit - 1 Lesson - 4 The Wish Roald Dahl Vocabularies scab - n. a piece of hard skin which covers a wound/cut. gingerly - adv. in a careful way, because you are afraid of being hurt, or making noise, etc. vicious (looking) - adj. violent and cruel / aggressive / dangerous / very bad / severe wobble- v. to move from side to side in an unsteady way / to go in a particular direction while moving from side to side adders - n. a type of poisonous snake dazzling - syn. brilliant / the quality of that bring light has that stops you from seeing clearly fringe - n. the front part of the hair which covers the forehead banisters - n. the structure formed by the handrail at the side of a staircase. gazing - v. looking closely triumphantly - adv. successfully fits clenched - v. to curl your fingers up tightly, usually bec...