Grade 12 A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings Vocabularies
Grade 12 A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings Gabriel García Márquez Vocabularies crab - n. fish for crab drenched - covered courtyard - n. an area wholly / partly surrounded by walls or buildings strench - n. a distinctive odor that is offensively unpleasant glimmered - n. a flash of light (especially reflected light) / shine brightly like a star or light powdered (light) - consisting of fire particles stew (of mud) - n. agitation resulting from active worry (don't get in a stew) groaning - n. an utterance expressing pain or disapproval (indicate pain / discomfort) impeded (by his enormous wings) - made difficult or slow / obstructed stupor - n. the feeling of distress and disbelief that you have when somehing bad happens accidently ragpicker - n. an unskilled person who picks up rags from trash cans and public dumps ...