
Showing posts with the label A Very Old man with Enormous Wings

Grade 12 A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings Vocabularies

Grade 12 A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings Gabriel García Márquez Vocabularies crab - n. fish for crab drenched - covered courtyard - n. an area wholly / partly surrounded by walls or buildings strench - n. a distinctive odor that is offensively unpleasant glimmered - n. a flash of light (especially reflected light) / shine brightly like a star or light powdered (light) - consisting of fire particles stew (of mud) - n. agitation resulting from active worry (don't get in a stew) groaning - n. an utterance expressing pain or disapproval (indicate pain / discomfort) impeded (by his enormous wings) - made difficult or slow / obstructed stupor - n. the feeling of distress and disbelief that you have when somehing bad happens accidently ragpicker - n. an unskilled person who picks up rags from trash cans and public dumps ...

A Very Old man with Enormous Wings Summary and Short Question Answers

A Very Old man with Enormous Wings Summary and Short Question Answers Summary Pelayo encounters a homeless, frightened elderly man with enormous wings in his yard one day while hunting crabs in a rainfall that had lasted for days. The elderly guy is unclean and feeble, and he speaks a language that is difficult to understand. In the end, Pelayo and Elisenda assume that the elderly man was an angel who had attempted to save their ill kid by attempting to take him or her to paradise. Pelayo's next-door neighbour urges him to kill the angel with a wood, but once their kid heals, he and Elisenda forgive their visitor. Having the elderly guy living in their chicken coop attracts a lot of attention from interested onlookers. Priest Father Gonzaga, a local priest, informs the villagers that the elderly guy, who seems to be untidy and does not speak Latin, probably isn't an angel. As a result, Father Gonzaga decides to seek the advice of his bis...