Grade 12 A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings Vocabularies
Grade 12
A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings
Gabriel García Márquez
- crab - n. fish for crab
- drenched - covered
- courtyard - n. an area wholly / partly surrounded by walls or buildings
- strench - n. a distinctive odor that is offensively unpleasant
- glimmered - n. a flash of light (especially reflected light) / shine brightly like a star or light
- powdered (light) - consisting of fire particles
- stew (of mud) - n. agitation resulting from active worry (don't get in a stew)
- groaning - n. an utterance expressing pain or disapproval (indicate pain / discomfort)
- impeded (by his enormous wings) - made difficult or slow / obstructed
- stupor - n. the feeling of distress and disbelief that you have when somehing bad happens accidently
- ragpicker - n. an unskilled person who picks up rags from trash cans and public dumps as a means of livelihood / unskilled person
- buzzard - n. vulture
- plucked - having the feather removed / featherless / unfeathered
- entangled - deeply involved especially in something complicated / twisted together in a tangled mass / involes in difficulties
- overcome - beat / deal with successfully / get on top of
- incomprehentible - incapable of being explained / accounted for / difficult to understand
- dialect - n. the usage / vocabulary that is characteristic of a specific group of people
- skip - bypass / jump lightly / throw
- castaway - n. a person who is rejected (from society/home)
- roft - lot / mess
- angel - n. spiritual being attendent upon God / good person / supernatural being
- captive - n. unfree ; a person who is confined especially a prisoner of war
- fugitive - individual
- survivors - alive people
- coop - n. a farm building for housing poultry
- magnanimous - n. noble and generous in spirit / a great hearted / noble / generous and understanding and tolerant
- reverence - n. a feeling of profound respect for someone or something
- conjecture - a hypothesis / big - boned / big shouldered
- robust - sturdy and strong in form
- sterner - forbidding in aspect / strict
- catechism - n. a series of question put to an individual
- decrepit - worm and broken down by hard use / frail / lacking bodily / muscular strength or vitality
- onlooker - n. someone who looks on / spectator / viewer
- frivolous - not serious in content / attitude / behaviour
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