
Showing posts with the label Arts and Creation

Grade - 11 Unit-11 Arts and Creation Ways with Words

  Grade-11 Unit-11 Arts and Creation                                                        Grammar C. What do the following idioms mean? Use them in sensible                sentences. i. a hot potato - The issue of climate change is a hot potato that politicians are hesitant to handle. ii. once in a blue moon -  Seeing a shooting star is a rare occurrence that happens once in a blue moon . iii. a bed of roses - Starting a new business may seem like a bed of roses , but it requires hard work and dedication. iv.  when pigs fly - Getting my cat to enjoy swimming is as likely as pigs flying . v. miss the boat - I missed the boat on buying the stock when it was cheap. vi. zip your lip - Before you say something you might regret,...

Grade 11 Unit-11 Arts and Creation Grammar Part

  Grade-11 Unit-11 Arts and Creation Grammar B. Complete the following sentences with correct relative pronouns and write whether the clauses are defining or non-defining. a. That's the house where I was born. b. My aunt Nita, who is a journalist, is coming to visit next week. c. People who lke outdoor activities will love our holidays. d. The early 1960s, when the Beatles first started, was a very exciting time in pop culture. e. My essay on Shakespeare, which I found quite difficult, got a really good mark in the end. f. The Mayans, who lived in Central America, built many stunning temples. g. That's the girl whose brother is in your class. h. The snake which was in the garden last week belongs to our next-door neighbor. C. Join the following pairs of sentences with appropriate relative clause. a. He is a musician. His albums have sold millions. - He is a musician whose albums have sold millions. b. Amelia speaks English and Chinese fluently. She is from Shanghai. - Amelia wh...