Grade - 11 Unit-11 Arts and Creation Ways with Words




Arts and Creation


C. What do the following idioms mean? Use them in sensible            sentences.

i. a hot potato - The issue of climate change is a hot potato that politicians are hesitant to handle.

ii. once in a blue moon -  Seeing a shooting star is a rare occurrence that happens once in a blue moon.

iii. a bed of roses - Starting a new business may seem like a bed of roses, but it requires hard work and dedication.

iv.  when pigs fly - Getting my cat to enjoy swimming is as likely as pigs flying.

v. miss the boat - I missed the boat on buying the stock when it was cheap.

vi. zip your lip - Before you say something you might regret, it's best to zip your lip.

vii. fight tooth and nail - The athletes fought tooth and nail to win the championship.

viii. when life gives you lemon - When life gives you lemons, make lemonade and turn a negative situation into something positive.

ix. goose egg - Despite his efforts, the team scored a goose egg and lost the game.


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