Grade 11 Two Little Soldiers

Grade 11

Two Little Soldiers

Guy de Maupassant


  • efficient - being effect without wasting time/effoert or expenses.

  • denouement - n. the ourcome of a comples sequence of events / the final resolution of the main complications of a literary or dramatic work.

  • compatibility - n. a feeling of sympathetic understanding / fellow feeling sympathy

  • barracks - n. a building or group of buildings used to house military personnels.

  • courbevoie - n. curveway

  • strides - n. a step in walking or running / the distance covered by a long step

  • scarce - deficient in quantity or number compared with the demand

  • ill - fitting capes

  • ample - more than enough in size or scope or capacity

  • ankle - n. the part or joint connecting the foot with the leg.

  • colombes - n. dove

  • Chatou - n. an impressive country house in France

  • headgear - n. clothing for the head

  • seine - n. river / a French river that flows through the heart of Paris and then northward into the English channel

  • sails - n. a piece of material extended on a mast to catch the wind and propel a boat or ship or other vessel

  • smacks - n. a blow from a flat object(as an open hand)

  • gait - n. the rate of moving (especially walking/running) / walk

  • slacken - v. become slow / slower / make less active / fast / looe

  • clumps - n. a grouping of a number of similar things / a bunch of trees

  • hedges - n. a fence formed by a row of closely planted shrubs / bushes / fence / protects / security

  • dolmen - a megalithic tomb with a large flat stone laid on upright ones, found chiefly in Britain and France.

  • whittling - v. cut small bits or pare shavings from

  • allude - v. make a more / less disguised reference to

  • nook - n. corner / n. a sheltered and secluded place

  • clasped - n. a fastener (as a buckle or a hook) that is used to hold two things together / hold firmly and tightly

  • mingling - mix or cause to mix together

  • clumps - v. come together as in a cluster or flock / assemble / gather / meet / walk

  • sparkling - n. a rapid change in brightness; a brief spark / flash

  • sunbeams - n. a ray of sunlight / beam of light / sunlight / sunshine

  • reflected - (especially of incident sound of light) bent / setback / reflected back

  • pail - n. a roughly cylindrical vessel that is open at the top / bucket / jar

  • strapping -muscular and heavily built

  • freckled - relating to / covered with or resembling freckles / patterned

  • tanned - (of skin) having a tan color from exposure to the sun

  • stammered - n. a speech disorder involving hesitations / involuntary repitations of certain sound

  • receded - pull back / more away / backward / become faint

  • blending - combination / combining / compounding / the act of blending

  • sorely - to a great degree / painfully (she mined him sorely)
  • perplexed - full of difficulty / confusion

  • chitterlings - n. small intestinges of hos prepared as food

  • anticipation - n. an expectation / hope / something expected

  • dainties - n. something considered choice to eat / jelly / sweet

  • enlievened -v. heighten / encourage / excite / spirit up

  • queer - v. hinder / prevent / the efforts, plans / desires of / n. offensive term for an openly man

  • sting - n. a kind of pain; something as sudden and painful as being sting

  • treachery - n. betrayal of trust

  • deceit - n. the quality of being fraudulent

  • scarlet - n. a variable color that is vivid red but sometimes with an orange tinge

  • tethered - confined / restricted with or as if with a rope / chain

  • unmanned - lacking a crew / an unmanned satellite to mass / pilotless

  • grieved - (simple) feel grief / mourn / suffer / pity

  • bobbed up - to come up unexpectedly; appear suddenly

  • whittling - damage or cut away in small pieces

  • plaintive - expressing sorrow or sorrowful


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