
  • ultra - adj. extremely; beyond a particular limit
  • cargo - n. the goods carried in a ship/plane
  • freight - n. goods that are transported by ships, planes, trains or lorries or trucks
  • pod - n. a long narrow container that is hung under an aircraft and used to carry fuel, equipment; part of a spacecraft or a boat that can be seprated from the main part.
  • giant - adj. ver big
  • explored - v. to examine something completely or carefully in order to find out more about it.
  • shoots - move quickly or suddenly in one direction
  • friction - the action of one object or surface moving another
  • levitation - n. to rise and float in the air with no physical support, especially by means of magic or by using special powers; to make something rise in this way.
  • gridlocked - n. a situation in which there are so many cars in the streets of a town that the traffic cannot move at all
  • crystal - n. a glass of very high quality
  • pneumatic - adj. filled with air or worked by air under pressure
  • predecessor - n. a thing such as a machine, that has been replaced by something else
  • reignited - v. to start burning again.
  • envisioned - v. to imagine what a situation will be like in the future, especially a situation you intend to work towards
  • overcome - to solve a problem
  • resistance - to control in passive way
  • equivalent - adj. equal in value, amount, meaning, importance etc.
  • velocity - n. the speed of something in a particular direction
  • subsonic - adj. less than the speed of sound; flying at less than the speed of sound
  • nausea - n. the feeling that you have when you want to vomit
  • inducing - to persuade or influense to do something
  • acceleration - increase in speed or rate
  • decelaration - reduction in speed or rate; antonym of accelaration
  • turbulence - violent or unsteady movement of air or water, or of some other fluid.


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