Word Meaning of I was my Own Route

Word Meaning of I was my Own Route

I was my Own Route by

Julia de Burgos

Word Meanings

  • urges - v. to recommened something strongly.

  • detach - to remove something from something larger/to become seperated from something.

  • predating - v. something to be /formed/ to happen at an aerlier date than something else in the past.

  • progressive - adj. in favour of new ideas, modern methods and change.

  • precursor - n. a person/thing that comes before somebody/something similar and that leads to/influeneces its development.

  • contemporary - adj. belonging to the same time.

  • Latina - n. a woman/girl especially one who is living in the US, who comes from Latin America, or whose family come from there.

  • patriarchal - adj. ruled/controlled by men; giving importance only to men.

  • ideologies - n. a set of beliefs especially one held by particular group, that influeneces the way people behave, the ideology of gender roles.

  • advancing - it is an adj. years or age used as a polite way of referring to the fact of timepassing and of somebody growing older. For ex- She is still very active in spite of her advancing years.

  • promissory - conveying or implying a promise.

  • ripped - to attack something violently

  • desperate - feeling or showing that you have little hope and are ready to do anything without worrying about danger to yourself or others.

  • flapping - movement / a quick often noisy movement of something up and down or from side to side.

  • unpinned - release / unfasten / detach by removing a pin or pins

  • whiplash - a hit with a whip

  • horizons - the furthest you can see, where sky seems to meet the land or sea.

  • intimate - friendly / closly

  • liberation - freedom

  • herald - n. a person who carried message from a ruler.

  • warped - adj. (disapproving) having ideas that most people think are strange or unpleasant

Understanding the Text

Answer the following questions

  1. Why did the speaker try to be the way men wanted her to be?
  2. → The speaker tried to be the way men her to be because she had no alternative option left. The contemporary society was very rigized with male ideologies where she had to follow men's route and move according to their norms and values.

  3. What do you understand by her feet 'wouldn't accept walking backwards'?
  4. → By her feet 'wouldn't accept walking backwards', a understand the strong determination to move her feet forward towards her new path where there would be no obstacles regarding partriarchal norms and values her feet wouldn't accept backwards on her way ahead she has completely rejected to follow the tradition.

  5. Who are the old guards? Why did they grow desperate?
  6. → The old guards are those traditionalists who conserve patriarchal norms and values. They grow desperate to find the speaker's protest against them. They found the violation of patriarchal beliefs and customs by the speaker.

  7. How did the speaker have 'the feeling of intimate liberation'?
  8. → The speaker had a 'the feeling of intimate liberation' by her act of seelecting the new path which is completely different from the earlier one and seperated from familiar patriarchal values. Being away from male dominated ideologies, she had a joyous feeling of intimate liberation that flows from the balance between her life and the truth of the rute (way / path) which she has chosen.

  9. Why did the speaker's desire to follow men warp in her?
  10. → The speaker's desire to follow men wrap in her because she was familiar with so-called patriarchal ideologies. She suffered a lot under the men's influence and found her identity was in crisis. Her desire to follow men turned into hatred and therefore she moved forward on her new path protesting patriarchal norms and values.


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