Grade 11 Civil Peace by Chinua Achebe Vocabularies

Grade 11

Civil Peace

Chinua Achebe


  1. hazy - foggy (filled with fog/mist)

  2. inestimable - beyond calculation / measure

  3. commandeer - take arbitrarily / by force

  4. amenable - disposed / willing

  5. rummage - search haphazardly

  6. accumulate - get / gather together

  7. monumental - of outstanding significance

  8. edifice - a structure that has a roof and walls

  9. destitue - poor enough to need help from others

  10. blunt - not sharp

  11. rusty - covered with / consisting of an oxide coating

  12. miner - laborer

  13. scuffle - fight / struggle in a confused way at close

  14. ruffian - a cruel and a brutal fellow

  15. imperious - having / showing arrogant superiority

  16. parched - extremely thirsty

  17. sob - weak

  18. aftermath - the consequences or after-effects of a significant unpleasant event

  19. dissent - a difference of opinion

  20. commiserate - feel / express sympathy or compassion

  21. drags - sediment that has settled at the bottom of liquid

  22. gratia - as a favor; not compelled by legal right


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