Grade 11 Civil Peace by Chinua Achebe Questions and Answers

Grade 11

Civil Peace

Chinua Achebe

Understanding the text

Answer the following questions

  1. Why did Jonathan think of himself as 'extraordinary lucky' ?
  2. - Jonathan thought of himself as 'extraordinary lucky' because after the Nigerian civil war, which continued for three years from 1967 to 1970, he himself survived, along with his wife and children. Not only this miraculously he found his old bicycle safe and even his house was not destroyed due to war.

  3. What are the 'five blessings' for which Jonathan is grateful?
  4. - The 'five blessings' for which Jonathan is grateful are his head, his wife Maria's head and the heads of three out of their four children. All of them are able to survive in the civil war.

  5. Why did Jonathan mistrust the officer who wanted to take his bicycle? What does this tell you about the situation is Nigeria?
  6. - Jonathan mistrusted the officer who wanted to take his bicycle because of the rude and exploitative attitude of the officer. The officer could easily fid Jonathan's poor condition and tried to seize his bicycle which was a means of income for Jonathan.

      This event tells that the situation is really worse and the crime and corruption is at the peak even after the war.

  7. What visitors might be at the door? Are Jonathan and his wife completely surprised?
  8. - The visitors might be the thieves or robbers to rob Jonathan's money. Jonathan and his wife were completely surprised. They were very afraid and insecure about protecting the money which they have received from the government.

  9. Why does no one in the neighbourhood respond when the thieves found on Jonathan's door? Why do the thieves call the police?
  10. It is a fact that no one in the neighbourhood responds when the thieves found on Jonathan's door because the neighbours were also very afraid and had similar kind of fear as Jonathan's family. The thieves call for the police because they know very well that no one will come to support Jonathan's family. The theives are quite confirmed that police will never arrive to help the victim. Therefore, they call for the police to tease Jonathan and his family members.


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