Grade 11 Unit-1 Education and Humanity (Writing Part)
Grade 11 Unit-1 Education and Humanity (Writing Part)
- "Education empowers a person". Elaborate this statement giving examples of your personal experience.
- Education is the most essential factor in every Individual's life. It makes a person bold, confident, humble and knowledgeful. It also helps to earn name, fame and money to lead a life happily. Only through education a person can lead his life successfully and happily. Besides, it makes our life worthy and assists us to survive any where around the globe. In today's world the significance of education has been increased than in the past and therefore everyone wants to be educated and wants to gain knowledge in a particular field. The real power can be accomplished through the education as well as a depth level of knowledge. It cannot be devalued by anyone and it can change our life dramatically. This world is full of various examples where highly educated people were able to make their lives changed with the help of education it makes us aware of our own rights and it helps us to be sensitive for other's sufferings as well.
Undoubtedly, the ruler of modern era is actually education that means these days only educated people can rule this world and can fully control over all the sectors.
For instance, when I was studying in Grade - 5, I had a friend who was average in his studies and he did not have confidence too. He felt himself as a feeble person but with the passage of time, he gained maturity. It could be possible only because of knowledge and skill he achieved. Obviously, education makes our life priceless and it turns us into a brave, couragious and a confident person.
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