Marriage as a Social Institution

Word Meanings of Marriage as a Social Institution

  • institution (n.): an established custom

  • boundaries (n.): dividing lines/lines that make limits

  • heir (n.): a person with the legal right to receive property or money when the owner dies

  • appetite (n.): physical desire esp. food or pleasure

  • unrestrained (adj.): not controlled

  • impulses (n): sudden urge to act without thinking about the results

  • transgressing (v.): going beyond the limits of (what is morally, socially, or legally acceptable)

  • cohabitation (n.): the state of living together and having a sexual relationship without being married

  • bolster (n.): a thick pillow shaped like a long tube

  • intangible (adj.): that cannot be easily or clearly understood

  • normative (adj.): describing or setting standards or rules of language or behaviour which should be followed


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