Every Morning I Wake Summary and Short Question Answer

Every Morning I Wake Summary and Short Question Answer


“Every Morning I Wake” is an extract from Under the Milk Wood. In this poem, Thomas prays to the magnificent God to have mercy on ordinary inhabitants living under the Milk Wood. While invoking God in this poem, the speaker begs for his or her benevolence for the people of Milk Wood, a little hamlet located under Milk Wood. Many people call this poem a sunset poem or a prayer poem. This poem serves as a strong reminder that nothing compares to God. God is the only creator of the cosmos. In one verse, it expresses the essence of all prayers. We humans are nothing but just a ball of cartilage and collagen.

In this poem Every morning, a devoted follower of God who is fully aware of God's grandeur rises from his or her bed and prays to God for compassion for all creatures. God may not be physically present on our planet, yet God has the ability to direct their actions from afar. God created everything on Earth and will ultimately destroy everything on Earth. There are many individuals in the world who are born only for the purpose of dying and leaving nothing behind. All of us will die as a result of our mortal condition, but God's blessings will make our stay here meaningful. This poem is a plea to the almighty God written by a little creature known as a human, and it is addressed to him. As a consequence, the speaker asks God for mercy on their behalf. The speaker is a believer in the need of praying for the well-being of all creatures.

Short Question Answer

  1. When does the speaker pray to the Lord?
  2. - The speaker prays to the Lord in the morning time and evening time.

  3. What does the speaker pray for?
  4. - The speaker prays for the grace, sympathy and protection from the god to the residents of Milk wood.

  5. Who are the ‘poor creatures’? Why does the speaker call them ‘poor creatures’?
  6. - Poor creatures actually mean all the innocent creatures that are on planet earth. However, in the prayer, the speaker is referring to the residents of Milk wood as poor creatures. They are referred to as "poor animals" by the speaker since they are made up of "bone and flesh" and are destined to die.

  7. What does Milk Wood sound like? A type of wood or a place? Why?
  8. - It seems that Milk Wood is a location since there is no article before the word. There is no need for an article in the case of a single proper noun that refers to a single location.

  9. Why do the inhabitants of Milk Wood bow to the setting sun ‘but just for now’?
  10. - Milk Wood's residents make a bow to the setting sun as a way of saying farewell for the time being. They expect the sun to be shining the following morning. They believe that God's grace and the warmth of the sun will help them survive another day.


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