A DAY Summary and Short Question Answers

A DAY Summary and Short Question Answers


In the "A Day" poem, Dickinson, through the use of brilliant imagery and symbols, describes a beautiful day that leads children from innocence to experience. This describes the rising of the sun, what happens after it rises, and what happens after the sun sets. A thin ribbon of light descends from above the steeple, altering its hue from blue to purple. Upon hearing of the sun rising, the news spreads or the light rays travel like the squirrels running to get away.

Sunlight reveals the black hills and a bobolink, a tiny American bird, sings in the lovely morning. When the sun shines, it makes everything and everyone happy and comfortable. In order to ensure that the sun will rise with lovely and wonderful rays, the speaker speaks to himself. Sunrise is confirmed by magnificent scenery, pristine hills, and the singing of the bobolink.

The speaker lacks confidence in his description of the sunset. When the sun goes down, the sky begins to purr, and it continues to purr until the sky is totally black. There is a golden tint to the boys and girls as they return to their refuge. The grey-suited caretaker/father waits for the children to return. He opens the gate and allows the youngsters in, allowing additional flocks to enter their home.

Short Question Answer

  1. How does the poet describe the morning sun in the first stanza?
  2. - The poet describes the morning sun as a sign of happiness in the first stanza. The sun's beams resembled a series of loosely knotted ribbons. In a flash, everything became crystal clear. The steeple of the church took on an amethyst hue as a result. Then, the news of the sun's arrival travels as quickly as a squirrel's quick movements.

  3. What does the line ‘The news like squirrels ran’ mean?
  4. - The meaning of the line 'The news like squirrels ran' is that the pace of spread of the news of sunrise was so quick, as is the squirrels speed. Squirrels are faster-running creatures. The light of the sun spreads rapidly. That is why, the poet used the metaphor of 'The news like squirrels ran' to indicate that the news of sunrise was faster like the speed of squirrels.

  5. What do you understand by the line ‘The hills untied their bonnets’?
  6. - The hills are in the cap (bonnet) of darkness before the sun rises. Bonnets mean a special type of hat which can be tied under the chin. Before sunrise, the hills seemed darker and gloomier as they were not happy. But as soon as the sun emerges and the sun rays fall on hills, they become so happy and excited. They unveil their greenery and beauty by removing their bonnets. All hills appear lovely in excellent green colour after sunrise. The hills are characterized as they loosen their caps like ladies. Hence, the hills seem to be removing their hats in a frenzied manner, after the sunrise is what the above phrase means.

  7. Is the speaker watching the morning sun? Why? Why not?
  8. - No, the speaker is not watching the morning sun because he is not doing the real-time narration of the morning sun. 'I’ll tell you how the Sun rose’ means that the speaker has witnessed the sun rise and the changes following the sun rise, and at the present moment he is describing what he saw to his friends who woke up later in the morning.

  9. How does the sun set?
  10. - The speaker is really unknown to the sunset. All he knows is that the sun goes away taking all the happiness, joy and leaves the unhappy and gloomy dark when it sets, he doesn't know where. The slowly turning purple and yellow hues signal the sun's setting, but since he is unclear, he doesn't know how exactly the sun set.


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