New Course of Grade 11 Compulsory English (The Selfish Giant)


Literary Studies

The Selfish Giant


  1. arrogance - n. the behaviour of a person when they feel they are more imp. than other people, so that they are rude to them or do not consider them.

  2. vice - evil/immoral behviour; an evil/immoral qualiy in somebody's character.

  3. infuriating - adj. making you extremely angry.

  4. resentment - n. a feeling of anger/happiness about something that you think is unfair.

  5. conceit - n. (disapproving) too much pride in yourself and what you do.

  6. clowning -an entertainer who wears funny clothes and a large red nose and does silly thingsto make people laugh.

  7. salvation - n. (in christianity) the state of being saved from the power of evil / a way protecting somebody from danger, disaster, loss, etc.

  8. rectify - to put right something that is wrong.

  9. frost - n. a weather condition in which the temperature drops below 0 degree celsius (freezing point) so that a thin white layer of ice forms on the ground and other surfaces, espcially at night.

  10. fur - n. a soft thick mass of hair that grows on the body of animals / an artificial fabric that looks and feels like thick mass of hair

  11. cloak - n. thing that covers something

  12. hail - n. small balls of ice fall like rain from the sky

  13. rattled - v. to make a series of short loud sounds hitting against something hard

  14. linnet - n. a kind of finch

  15. casement - n. window that open on HINGES like a door

  16. twittering - v. when birds twitter, they make series of short high sounds.

  17. flung - past form of flign (to move yourself or part of your body suddenly)


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