Knowledge and Wisdom by Bertrand Russell, Grade - 12 Vocabularies

Knowledge and Wisdom by Bertrand Russell, Grade - 12 Vocabularies


  1. proportion - n. a part or share of a whole

  2. absorb - v. to take, draw or suck something in

  3. distorting - v. pull or twist out of shape

  4. inculcate - v. inplan, infuse, instil

  5. bound up - v. to limit something

  6. fanatical - adj. a person who is too enthusiastic about something

  7. surpasses - v. (somebody/something/yourelf) formal to do or be than somebody/something

  8. correlative - n. (formal) a fact / anideathat is closely related to or depends on another fact / idea

  9. ceases - to stop happening / existing; tostop something from existing or happening

  10. populous - adj. (formal) where a large number of people live

  11. constitute - v. (not used in progressive terms) to be considered wo be something

  12. elixir - n. a magic liquid that is believed to cure illness / to make people live forever

  13. confessed - v. (with something) to discuss something with somebody, in order to exchange opinions / get advice

  14. arguements - v. to increase the amount, value, size, etc. of something

  15. instilled - v.something (into/in somebody) to gradually make somebody feel, think/behave in a particular way even a period of time.

  16. wickedness - n. morally bad/evil dangerous, harmful, powerful.

  17. enmity - n. a state or feeling of active opposition or hostility

  18. vices - evil or immoral behaviour; an evil or immoral quality in somebody's character

  19. The End!


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