Unit 1
Landscape- n. everything you can see when you look across a large area of land especially in the country. e.g. mountainous.
Manuscript- n. a copy of a book, a piece of music, etc., or a very old book or document that was written by hand before printing was invented.
Suburb- n. an area where people live that is outside the center of a city.
Bestowing-v. to give something to be, especially to show how much they are respected.
Wary of- adj. (of doing something) careful when dealing with somebody/something because you think that there may be a danger or problem. / cautious.
Sojourners-adj. people who stay temporarily in a place away from home. / feeling of being strangers in an unfamiliar area.
Macedonian- adj. from Macedonia, South-Eastern Europe.
Paned windows-n. a single sheet of glass in a window.
Moreton Bay-n. is a boy located on the Eastern Coast of Australia.
Docile-adj. quiet and easy to control.
Moulting-adj. molting, hair growing.
Ranted-v. [speech] disapproving to speak/ complain about something in a loud and or angry way.
Stacked with-n. a pile of something, usually neatly arranged; a stack of plates or books, a large number or amount of something.
Salvaged-v. the act of saving things that have been, or likely to be, damaged or lost, especially in a disaster/ an accident.
Cobalt eyes-n. a deep blue-green color eyes.
Manured-v. to put manure on in soil to help plants grow. (the waste matter from animals that is spread over/ n. mixed with soil to help plants and crops grow.
Leek-n. a vegetable like a long onion with many layers of wide flat leaves that are white at the bottom and green at the top. (Spring onions-BrE & Green onions-AmE).
Brussels sprouts- n. a new part growing on a plant.
Spacing-n. the amount of space that is left between things, especially between the words or lines printed on-page. or, the amount of time that is left between things happening.
Hilling-v. Hilling, earthing up or ridging is the technique in agriculture and horticulture of piling soil up around the base of a plant.
Mulching-v. to cover the soil or the roots of a plant with a mulch.
Child's stubble-n. the short stiff hairs that grow on a face.
Garlic cloves-n. the dried flower of garlic is used in cooking as a spice, especially to give flavor to sweet foods.
Vermilion- adj. bright red in color.
Grappa-n. a kind of alcoholic beverage; a fragrant.
Eccentric-adj. considered by other people to be strange or unusual.
Incompetence-n. the lack of skill or ability to do your job or a task as it should be done.
Muscovies-n. a kind of duck.
Slaughter-n. the killing of animals for their meat.
Haze- n. air that is difficult to see through because it contains very small drops of water, especially caused by hot weather. / air containing something that makes it difficult to see through it. or, a mental state in which your thoughts, feelings, etc. are not clear.
Antagonizing-v-ing. to do something to make somebody angry with you.
Hay Fever-n. an illness that affects the nose, eyes, and throat.
Tirelessly-adv. (approving) putting a lot of hard work and energy into something over a long period of time.
Deli-n. a shop/ store or part of one that sells cooked meats and cheeses, and special or unusual foods that come from other countries.
Flattered- adj. to be pleased because somebody has made you feel important or special.
Claustrophobic-adj. afraid of living in confined places.
Peeved-adj. annoyed.
Liverwurst-n.meat sausage, also known as liver sausage.
Mid-wife-n. a person, especially a woman who is trained to help women give birth to babies.
Crooned-v. hum or sing in a soft voice. sit on your heels with your knees bent up close to your body. Or, Noun- a building that people are living in without permission and without paying rent. (to live in a squat).
Sophistication-n. the quality of being sophisticated. (having a lot of experience of the world and knowing about everything).
Strained-v. make effort (to do something) to make an effort to do something, using all your mental and physical strength.
Mottled-adj. marked with shapes of different colors without a regular pattern; the mottled skin of a snake.
Vernix-n. a greasy deposit covering the skin of a baby at birth.
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